GB Liners is a nationwide company with substantial experience in local, national and international moving and storage. Since their origins in 1923, they have grown by providing consistently high standards for all types of moves, from short distance through to inter-continental shipments.

Sirelo asks...
What is your insurance policy? How do you deal with damaged items?
What is the best advice you would give to customers?

We can't find a poor thing to say. The packing guys were great,cheerfully and helpfull, (Get plenty of tea bags in though) Although our goods haven't arrived in Australia yet, at this end no complaints only praise.

When the movers arrived they were polite, professional and very efficient. I felt that my belongings were very safe all the way.

Einer der Mitarbeiter schien sich nicht des Umstandes bewusst, dass in Deutschland Deutsch gesprochen wird. Er fühlte sich persönlich Angegriffen wenn Deutsch gesprochen wurde.
Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute für die Zukunft und wenn Sie diese Angelegenheit noch weiter nehmen moechten, bitte zögern Sie nicht mit uns direkt Kontakt aufzunehmen.