Doree Bonner International is a National and international home and office moving company.

Sirelo asks...
What is your insurance policy? How do you deal with damaged items?
What is the best advice you would give to customers?

2. We arranged for my 500 cubic feet of items (I organised them mimicking a shipping container with my 120 boxes of different shapes carefully packed with 3 forms of identification against my log, to be collected on 25 Nov 2021, being told the payment will be taken a week prior to collection.
3. One week prior, having heard nothing from them, I called them as no one was answering the phone asking them how do we organise the payment? Even when finally reaching them and making the payment this proved problematic as they had a software issue with the old technology they were using and they forgot about honouring the 50 USD discount still mentioned on their site ([Name removed by Sirelo] never agreed to honour the 40% discount on their site)
4. I then received an email from a lady called [Name removed by Sirelo], who seemed to be receptionist/Export dept detailing how long my items will stay in their warehouse aka 'consolidation period saying 'average consolidation period can be anything between 1-6 weeks!!!! - this is how their warehouse makes the money
5. Even 24 hours prior to them taking my items they did not reach me, so late afternoon I called them to learn what is going to happen the next day, on 25th of Nov? I was told that 2 different vans will come from 2 different parts of London to collect my items? I then realised this was indeed the beginning of a long list of problems I am going to have - too late though to cancel everything and start again with another shipping company who will probably manage everything in the same manner, based on the many reviews sites
6. The next day, one guy arrived at 9am to collect my items but he could not tell me where was the second van purely because he was death-mute. I called [Name removed by Sirelo] who said he is going to investigate, but never heard from him again as his emails were very minimalistic since I paid the shipping. At 10.30am the second van arrived and we finally started the removal process as they were subcontracted and came from Gatwick area - probably [Name removed by Sirelo] subcontracts everything and keeps tabs on these guys hence the positive reviews they get for national UK removals. My items, carefully packed were all placed erratically in their vans (took videos to create a video review), proof they did not care about mimicking a shipping container the way the shipping sales agents seem to mention all the time - their way of pretending they know better than us, the customer
7. One month later, I contacted [Name removed by Sirelo] only to reply saying my items will be shipped on 16th of Jan 2022 and will reach New York on 1st of Feb 2022 with a ship called Tempanos - I kept checking on MarineTraffic and noticed the ship was nowhere near Europe, so contacted [Name removed by Sirelo] again to be told my items will reach USA one week later now, on 8th of Feb 2022 and when questioned again he chose to send another minimalistic and very un-professional email 'we can only provide transit details when a shipment has left British waters. However the ship was not Tempanos but Palena!!!!
8. Even when speaking with the USA agent they had no information whatsoever about my details and [Name removed by Sirelo] mentioned in his email of 24th of Jan 2022, the ship will go 'into the US gateway of Philadelphia'
9. I finally received my boxes in March 2022 after paying several hundreds of dollars to ContourUSA run by Russians with poor English, as 'port tax' [Name removed by Sirelo] never mentioned when asked in 2021, so over 14 weeks later while being abused. Their 'staff', 3 black guys with face covered in tattooes and missing teeth abused me further saying 'you were howling and squeeching' when they told me some boxes were missing. The boxes were not missing though but they damaged several painting on the edges and broke the glass on some prints. The UK insurer only covered 50 USD, despite the prints being purchased in the UK.
To summarise: DoreeBonner should not be in the international shipping business charging the fees they charge with no explanation as to why besides the insurance fees with a similar baseless logic. They do not care about you and your items and will lie as described above, just like all the other shipping companies surviving out of us, the customers.Read more

The team who attended to pack were professional, friendly, courteous and worked in a very small space.