DemenaMaide est une entreprise spécialisée dans les services de déménagement. Elle offre une gamme complète de services pour aider les particuliers et les entreprises à organiser et à réaliser leurs déménagements en toute simplicité. Avec une équipe expérimentée et des ressources dédiées, DemenaMaide s'engage à offrir des solutions de déménagement fiables, sécurisées et efficaces. Que ce soit pour un déménagement local, national ou international, DemenaMaide met à disposition son expertise pour répondre aux besoins de ses clients, garantissant ainsi une transition sans stress vers leur nouveau lieu de résidence ou de travail.Read more

Sirelo asks...
What is your insurance policy? How do you deal with damaged items?
What is the best advice you would give to customers?

I would strongly advise NOT using this company DemenMaide for your removals
We were totally let down by them and as a result have lost the sale of our house over this past week .
I asked them to do the decent thing and return our full deposit after they had not fulfilled the job
As of today we have had less than half of the deposit returned
They advertise as a French Company offering a network of “professional carriers / movers” . This is a complete joke .
In our situation we were assigned unreliable , unprofessional dodgy cowboys who cancelled an hour before they were due to arrive from a Moroccan mobile number .
After two days delay Abdul , the first operator subcontracted the job to 3 Polish drivers in 3 separate trucks from 3 separate operators who spoke virtually no French , v little English and had no clue about furniture removals !
If it hadn’t had such serious repercussions for us it would have seemed like a comedy film
They insisted they could only fill their trucks a third full - not the cubic capacity we’d ordered. They were selective what they loaded . Mainly boxes and virtually no furniture especially the heavier items . They were heavy handed and managed to damage boxes even before leaving
We told them they either took everything or nothing . They finally left without taking anything but previously spent hours sitting around outside waiting until it was almost dark
We weren’t sure why they didn’t leave .
I read the positive reviews on the DemenaMaide website , their quotation was very competitive and I spoke on a number of occasions to Jordan who represented the company in a seemingly positive and reassuring manner and I felt confident entrusting our move from SW France to Somerset in England to this company
When it came to re contacting Jordan to inform him we’d be let down by his “team” and remind him it was his responsibility to find a solution he seemed casual and didn’t appear to acknowledge how desperate our situation was and how utterly stressful it had become . He was very slow to respond and it seemed he was deliberately not answering our calls giving excuses he’d been out of the office or very busy . So much time was lost
I reminded him it was his responsibility to sort out and find a solution . We wasted two days believing he would do this which added to the disaster . His solution was to delegate the problem to the original Moroccan operator who then tried subcontracting it further to the Polish bunch
We had a very tight time schedule to have the house cleared for the buyer to inspect before going ahead with the final signatory and completion of sale . This never happened .The buyer was horrified to arrive and find we hadn’t moved out even though we informed and asked the Notaire for a few days delay in completing the sale due to our unforeseen situation.
The sale has fallen through .
Having now read through the negative reviews from previous clients similar situations have arisen . DemenaMaide are well aware they have unprofessional , unreliable operators working in their network who I guess they subcontract work out to when their more reliable “teams” are unavailable . They respond and apologise to previous negative reviews but have done NOTHING to ensure it’s not repeated
Having been on the receiving end of this disaster at the hands of Demenamaide I would URGE you not to risk it - find a company that you can 100 per cent trust who have integrity and genuine care for providing a trustworthy and honourable service for your house move . I didn’t believe a situation like ours could happen through a so called professional company
It’s totally unacceptableRead more

Lors de mon déménagement, DemenaMaide a sous traité à une deuxième boite à priori au Maroc, vu le numero de telephone qui m'à contacté sur whatsapp. Cette boite sous traite elle meme à une troisième boite en Pologne.
Le déménageur, Polonais, ne parle pas un mot de français, ni anglais, en revanche il connait quelques mots en allemand ce qui a permis tout juste d'établir une communication basique.
Il n'était pas équipé pour faire le déménagement, pas de chariot/diable, on a du tout porter aux bras et faire des aller retour à ne plus compter...
En plus, il n'avait rien pour protéger les meubles (heureusement j'avais tout protégé moi-meme sinon il y'allait avoir de la casse).
Le suivi pendant le déménagement par la deuxième boite de sous traitance est une grosse blague : 'le chauffeur est bien arrivé ? Merci. Au revoir ! ' et aucun suivi après le déménagement.
A noter que la veille du déménagement on m'a demandé de rajouter 100 euros de plus par rapport au devis signé, après le versement de l'accompte sinon on annule le déménagement et je risque de perde l'accompte, pour une erreur dans le devis qui n'est pas de ma faute.
Après de longues minutes au telephone, j'accepte de rajouter uniquement la moitié (50 euros).
Arrivé sur place, le chauffeur me demande de payer 100 euros de plus... ce que je refuse évidemment.
J'appel demenaMaide ET la boite de sous traitance, pas de réponse. Donc ils laissent volontairement le client se débrouiller avec le déménageur (payé en cash au passage)
Bref je déconseille à mon pire ennemi.Read more

Ils ont chargé le camion pour finalement revenir 5h plus tard car le camion dépassait le poids maximal.
J'ai du payer un deuxième voyage et l'entreprise roumaine me demandait un paiement en espèce et a retenu mon 2ème camion deux jours de plus, jusqu'à récéption du virement sans nous prévenir évidemment!
En attendant, aucune communication ni information de la part de DEMENAMAIDE et il faut être patient avant d'avoir quelq'un par télephone en plus!
Cette expérience n'a été ni plus ni moins qu'un racket organisé !
A fuir impérativement !!!