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Taxes in New Zealand

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Taxes are an unavoidable part of moving to abroad but taxes in New Zealand are some of the competitive in the world. This is due to the tax system being predictable, fair and having as few loopholes as possible. Working out how much tax to pay is very simple in New Zealand and the Inland Revenue of the country is does most of the work for you. Although the system is similar system to in the UK, taxes in New Zealand a simpler and much more accessible. On this page you can find out all the basic information about taxes in in New Zealand.

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Taxation in New Zealand

As can be seen in the table below the New Zealand tax authority requires you to pay income tax when you earn even a low amount, however the income tax for high earners is only 33% meaning that even though low earners pay tax, the opposite is true for those in the top few tax brackets.

IncomeTax rateEffective tax rate
$0 – $14,00010.5%10.5%
$14,000 – $48,00017.5%10.5 – 15.5%
$48,001 – $70,00030%15.5 – 20%
$70,000 and higher33%20 – 33%

In addition to this New Zealand has also done away with several other complicated taxes. Key features of New Zealand’s tax system include:

  • No inheritance tax;
  • No general capital gains tax, although it can apply to some specific investments;
  • No local or state taxes apart from property rates levied by local councils and authorities;
  • No payroll tax;
  • No social security tax;
  • No health care tax, apart from a very low levy for New Zealand’s ‘accident compensation injury insurance scheme.
Want to take a break from tax talk and read about working in New Zealand

The main tax that you will pay in New Zealand aside from income tax is Goods and Services Tax (GST). This tax is equivalent to VAT in the UK and is charged at 15% on goods, services and all items sold or consumed.

In the spotlight


William Buck

Tax returns in New Zealand

The tax year in New Zealand runs from 1 April to 31 March. It is only necessary to file a tax form if you’ve earned money that hasn’t been taxed. To do this you need to fill in an IR3 form. Often you will receive a Personal Tax Summary known as a PTS by mid-July and will therefore know how much you have been taxed. In several cases you can request a tax refund to do this you must also send off an IR3 form. This is likely to be the case if you have tax credits. Tax credits are given for:

  • Donations
  • Independent earners
  • Income under $9,880
  • Children

Taxes in New Zealand really isn’t that complicated. The important thing is to make sure that you have the right visa and then your move to New Zealand will be much easier.

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