They offer a range of specialist international shipping services - baggage shipping, personal effects shipping, car shipping, fine art shipping, furniture shipping and international household removals to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, USA, Asia and prominent locations around the world. Anglo Pacific is one of the largest shipping companies and international removal companies with Maersk Line, the world's largest container shipping company. Their branch network covers the entire UK and their international shipping service spans the globe.Read more

Sirelo asks...
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What is the best advice you would give to customers?

The main issue - we asked for delivery in Israel 15 August, they collected our goods in the UK on 7th July with a 2-3 week transit time. We have understood from our correspondence that nobody on their side bothered to book the boat until early/mid August. The result - delivery a month late (compounded by a further 1-week delay as a result of high winds at the port)...
Other secondary issues - a sarcastic guy who collected our goods full of comments about our items that made us uncomfortable; not bringing enough boxes and papers to complete the collection on the intended day; lack of responsiveness to communications (in one case, 13 days); poor or absent labelling of the boxes.
To be fair, when we raised the complaint, we were offered a small amount of compensation. However, this was a fraction of the amount of extra cost we had incurred as a result of the delay, so we refused it unless they upped the amount, which they refused.
On the other side, the local delivery agents on the Israeli side were excellent, and AP were helpful when we needed to retrieve an item that had accidentally been put into shippingRead more