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Moving to Madrid

Your Essential Moving Guide

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Planning to move to Madrid, Spain’s capital city? The capital and seat of power in Spain boasts a strong economy, historical buildings, and famous food markets. And if you’re moving form London to Madrid, you’ll feel right at home with another royal family in the city! So, if you’re interested in moving continue reading Sirelo’s guide for moving costs, an great checklist, and even free removal quotes.

The Cost of Moving to Madrid from the UK

One of the first things that likely came to mind when think of moving to Madrid is how much it would cost. As we’re interested in all things moving, we’ve pondered the same, and thus we crunched the numbers! From our thorough research, we’ve estimated that, on average, a move to Madrid, Spain, from the UK can cost £3,300 – £4,500 for a 3-bedroom house.

As you may have noted, it’s an estimated range. That’s because there are a multitude of factors that will affect the international moving costs of removals from the UK to Madrid. Be sure to read up on them to get the best price for your move!

You might be wonder how much it might cost if you don’t have an average 3-bed house. Well, as volume is a major factor (for which we have a nifty volume calculator), we estimated some figure for different size households when moving from London to Madrid:

Household SizeTimeCost
1-bed flat9 – 13 days£2,200 – £2,700
2-bed house3 – 5 days£2,600 – £3,500
3-bed house3 – 5 days£3,300 – £4,500
4-bed house3 – 5 days£4,400 – £5,800
5-bed house3 – 5 days£5,500 – £7,500

You might be wondering why a 1-bed flat will take longer. Well, that’s due to a small move likely sharing a container. It’s something that’s referred to as a Less Container Load (LCL). It has the perk of sharing costs, but then takes longer. You can read more about it, and other shipping terms, here!

Make Your Move Easier with a Removal Company

If you want to save time and reduce stress, finding a moving company is a must! However, it can be a pain to contact hundreds of companies to find one that can help you move. That’s where Sirelo comes in. Fill in the form below and we’ll find up to 5 removal companies for your move to Madrid, Spain. 😊

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Need a Visa for moving to Madrid, Spain?

If you’re a holder of an EU/EEA passport, then you’ll be glad to hear that you won’t need a visa to move to Madrid. However, you will need to apply for a Foreigners’ Identity Number (N.I.E.) when you move to Spain. It’s akin to a national insurance number and is necessary for tax and banking.

For third country individuals, including UK passport holders, you will need an N.I.E. and to apply for a visa. Furthermore, you’ll need a work permit if you wish to work. Fortunately, an employer will apply for a work permit on your behalf, which is a bit of a relief.

Checklist for Moving to Madrid

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It can be stressful to move to a new city, but with a great checklist you’ll find that it becomes much easier. For that reason, we made a great checklist for moving abroad, and to complement it, we have some crucial points for move to Madrid from the UK below. We aim to have you moving with less stress and a smile. 😊

Important documents

An important part of any move that bears repeating is the need to organise all your important documents prior to your move. Don’t forget to keep them safe and even make duplicates.

  • Passport
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Medical documentation (including dental and immunizations)
  • University degree(s) and qualification(s)
  • Police background check
  • Visa


One of the biggest hurdles you’ll face is deciding what to take with you. There will be obvious choices to take with you, and something that’ll be painful to part with. Then you’ll have to put them all in boxes. We recommend that start packing at least one month in advance. And if you need guidance when packing, you can refer to our expert packing guide, it’ll be your packing guru.


When moving to Madrid, you’ll need to inform HMRC you’ll be living abroad, other wise you could face being taxed twice. 😲

When you arrive, you’ll want to know all there is about paying taxes in Spain. Fortunately, the UK government covers this nicely on their living in Spain page.

Register on el Padrón

As a resident in Madrid, you’ll need to register on the padron, which is similar to the census, at the local town hall. It will grant you certain rights as a registered resident of the city. To apply, you will need:

  • A form of identification
  • Public or private healthcare or insurance
  • Proof of sufficient funds to support you and your dependents


Similar to the NHS, healthcare in Spain is state funded. However, there can be long waiting times, so it’s common for people to have private health insurance and seek private healthcare.


With conversion fees and difficulty accessing accounts, it might be wise to open a local bank account in Madrid. Some of the big banks in Spain are:

Hablas español?

As you’re moving to Madrid, in Spain, it might be wise to pick up a couple of words of espagnole before you go. It’ll help immerse you in the vibrant culture of the city, but also give you an advantage in the workplace along with finding friends and setting down roots in el foro.

Moving to Madrid

Life and Work in Madrid

As Madrid is the capital city of Spain you will also find that it is the most efficient and similar to the rest of Western Europe. Madrid doesn’t have the same working environment as the rest of Spain when it comes to the famous siesta after lunch (and everything closing during the afternoon). However it is still common to find an 8 hour working day structured around a longer lunch break. For more information about this topic visit our working in Spain page.

Despite starting their days at the same time Madrileños tend to stay out later. Eating dinner can be as late as 11′ o clock and parties don’t really get started until 2 or 3 am. With this in mind it is much easier to understand the need for a Siesta now!

“Ocho meses de invierno, cuatro meses de inferno”

Eight months of winter, four of hell. Don’t assume that Madrid shares the same climate as the rest of Spain. Winter in Madrid can be as cold and bitter as back in the UK (although with somewhat less rain). The summers are hot. Think of holidays to the south of Spain but without a pool or a beach to cool off in.

Finding a Job in Madrid

Madrid has the best employment opportunities in Spain – especially for English speakers. You will find that having at least some knowledge of Spanish will go a long way when it comes to a job hunt. As for the main sectors of the economy, you’ll find that they are in vehicle manufacturing (cars and planes), chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.

Since it’s best to have a job before you move, start your job search in the following platforms:

Read to Move to Spain?

Well, you’re at the end. We’re sure your ready to take on the challenge of moving to Madrid. However, you might like to read a little more about the moving process before so. Click on one of the links below to continue learning. Finally, good luck with you move to Madrid!